Porsche Reeve
Animation Portfolio
3D modelling and Animation
I was introduced to 3D modelling and Animation during University and I grew respect for it. Now that I have graduated I intend to continue to practice 3D to expand my knowledge and allow me to help out in more projects. I was educated in Maya but i am looking at other 3d modelling software such as Blender and Unreal Engine 4
We were tasked to model a small room sized environment Since this was the first time we had ever created a large environment in Maya. I decided to create a cave with a waterfall with shrubbery around it. Below you can see screen shots of the process. All models and textures were made by me.
Final Renders
Character model
This was the first character that i had model. While I do agree that it is a simple design and was satisfied with how it turned out. Since I had created a mystical setting with my environment model I wanted a strange looking but cute creature to match.
Final Renders
Character Turnaround
Here is a collection of the animations that I have created during my time at University. I really enjoy 3D animation and plan on making more complex animations in the future